This is the paneled version of FG085. Its function and specification are the same as other FG085 variants.
Generating continuous waveforms of Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp (up and down), and Staircase (up and down)
Generating user defined arbitrary waveforms (AWG)
Generating frequency sweeping signals of selected waveforms. Start frequency, stop frequency, and sweep rate can be independently set
[ NEW with firmware version 113-08501-120 or later] [ Video ]
Generating servo test/control signals in micro-second resolution with user programmable pulse width, amplitude, and cycle
Setting of frequency (or period), amplitude, and offset is done with digits - quick and straightforward
Variable duty cycle from 1% - 100% for square signal
Frequency (period), amplitude, and offset can be incrementally adjusted with rotary encoder
Incremental step size can be set to any value. Very convenient for quickly adjust frequency/cycle arount a certain point or
over a range [ NEW with firmware version 113-08501-110 or later]
Trigger input available
Synchorous output available for sweeping mode
Settings are memorized after power down.
Can be used as an adjustable DC voltage source by setting frequency to 0
The differences to earlier model (sku: 08501) are:
Coming with panels
Pushbutton switches with different touch
Output connector was changed to panel-mount at the front
Minor changes in schematic and PCB
Ordering Info
Sku Number
One FG085 miniDDS Function Generator
Output cable (BNC + clips, 0.6m) [
photo ]
15V 0.5A AC/DC power adapter
Quick Reference
To reduce shipping weight detailed documents are not included with shipment. They can be downloaded from this site.
Frequency range: 0 - 200KHz (Sine)
Frequency resolution: 1Hz
Period resolution: 1ms
Maximum frequency error (CW mode): 0.1490Hz for F > 40Hz, 0.000596Hz for F <= 40Hz
Maximum frequency error (Sweep mode): 0.1490Hz
Amplitude range: 0 - 10V peak-to-peak
Amplitude resolution: 0.1V
Offset range: -5V - +5V
Offset resolution: 40mV
Memory depth: 256 bytes
Sample rate: 2.5Msps
Trigger input level: High - 3.5V (min), Low - 1.5V (max)
Output delay at trigger: < 5us (when no panel operation)
Sync Output Level: 5V TTL
Output impedance: 50 ohm
Power supply voltage: DC 15V (maximun 16V DC)
Current comsuption: < 150mA (without loading)
Dimension: 155 X 55 X 30 mm
Net weight: 100 gram
Documents, firmwares, and tools: