Maximum equivalent-time sampling rate (repetitive signal) - 20MSa/s
Maximum real-time sampling rate - 2MSa/s
Resolution - 8 bits
Record length - 256 bytes
Analog bandwidth - 1MHz
Vertical sensitivity - 100mV/Div - 5V/Div
Vertical position adjustable with indicator
Input impedance - 1M ohm
Max input voltage - 50Vpk (1x probe) [500Vpk for 10x probe]
DC/AC/GND coupling
Horizontal - 0.5us/Div - 10m(minute)/Div
Auto/Normal/Single trig modes
Rising/Falling edge trigger
External trig available
Trigger output is available, which makes it possible to cascade scopes to do multi-channel capture.
Trigger level adjustable with indicator
Hold/run feature
Save/recall up to 6 captures
FFT function available - size of 256 points and 512 points selectable, sampling rate of 1Ksps to 2Msps selectable
Transfer screen to PC as bitmap file via serial connection
Built-in 500Hz/5Vpp test signal
Frequency Meter (For TTL level input signal)
Auto switching between Oscilloscope Mode and Frequency Meter Mode
9V DC power supply
Dimension: 110mm X 65mm X 25mm (without case)
Weight: 125 gram (not including probe and power adapter)
Simple clip probe and RCA jack are provided for jury-rig. If more professional feel is wanted a
BNC Probe Kit
(PN: 603-06201) is recommended.
Ordering Info
Sku Number
DSO062 PCB with all SMT parts pre-soldered and MCU pre-programmed ( The board has been tested before packing)
All through-hold parts to be installed on the main PCB
All machenical parts including panels, standoffs, and screws
All parts for simple clip probe
Quick operating reference (English)
Power adapter is not included
To reduce shipping weight most documents are not included in the package. They need to be downloaded from this page.
DSO062 PCB with all SMT parts pre-soldered and MCU pre-programmed ( The board has been tested before packing)
All through-hold parts to be installed on the main PCB
All machenical parts including panels, standoffs, and screws
All parts for simple clip probe
AC/DC Power adapter. 9V, 0.5A
Operation Instruction (booklet)
Assembly Notes (booklet)
This is actually 06204KP plus power adapter and documents and is boxed.
Documents, firmwares, and tools:
Course Project Manual [Courtesy of Prof. Zvonimir
S. from School of Engineering Technology, Centennial College, Toronto]