PN: 06201P
Weight: 125g (195g in total with the power adapter)
Accessories included:
Simple probe
Power Adapter (universal input voltage range)
Related items:
Max sample rate - 5M/s (AUTO mode),8 bits
Sample memory depth - 256 bytes
Analog bandwidth - 1MHz
Vertical sensitivity - 100mV/Div - 5V/Div
Vertical position adjustable with indicator
Input impedance - 1MΩ
Max input voltage - 50Vpp
DC/AC coupling
Horizontal - 2μs/Div - 10m(minute)/Div
Auto, normal and single trig modes
Rising/falling edge trigger
External trig available
Trig level adjustable with indicator
Hold/run feature
Save up to 6 captures to EEPROM and retain after power down
Retrieve and display saved captures
Transfer its screen to PC as bitmap file via serial connection
Built-in 500Hz/5Vpp test signal
Frequency counter (only for TTL level input signal)
9 DC power supply
Dimension: 110mm X 65mm X 25mm (without case)
Operating Instructions [ pdf ] [ word ]
( 2010.02.11 ) *
* Thank Mr. B Burns from USA! He has spent his valuable time to correct language errors
and refine many phrases for this document.